
The Delaware Division of Libraries is now accepting applications from Innovative Library Staff, Mentors and Instructors for ILEAD USA Delaware!


Innovative Librarians Explore, Apply, and Discover is a continuing education library immersion program that cultivates both participatory technology and leadership skills in order to increase exposure of services, engage libraries’ constituents, and provide opportunities for collaborating on innovative projects. ILEAD was initiated by the Illinois State Library, and Delaware will be a partner state during 2015. In Delaware, ILEAD is funded by an IMLS Laura Bush grant through the Illinois State Library and by the Delaware Division of Libraries.

The ILEAD USA continuing education model fosters the development of team projects over a nine month period that combines intermittent face-to-face meetings with online technology training sessions. At the end of nine months, the ILEAD USA program culminates with formal presentations of team projects, which either extend beyond ILEAD USA to become ongoing library programs, or the knowledge gained from ILEAD USA informs subsequent collaborative projects.

Join other awesome Delaware library staff to explore and discover how to apply participatory technology to respond to community needs. We are looking for individuals from all types of libraries to form teams of 5 for this technology and leadership immersion program.

Team Members Responsibilities

  • ​Develop skills to conduct a community needs assessment
  • Manage a project that can be rapidly replicated
  • Build an online team product to meet users’ needs
  • Broaden the audience in your community to engage more users
  • Cultivate ongoing support for library initiatives
  • Mentor other library staff

Three In-Person Sessions

At The University of Delaware’s Virden Retreat Center in Lewes, DE.

  • March 23-26, 2015
  • June 22-25, 2015
  • October 26-29, 2015

All three sessions are mandatory for team members and mentors.

  • Sessions run from Monday evening through Thursday afternoon.
  • Mentors are invited for lunch and afternoon sessions on Monday, March 23.
  • Lodging and meals are paid for by the grant.

Sessions will include time for teams to work on their projects, but there will also be streaming video from the Illinois State Library with nationally known keynote speakers such as David Lankes and Michael Stephens. Instructors will present workshops that will provide teams with the information they need to complete their projects, and mentors will work with their teams throughout their projects.

A master’s degree in library and information science or other graduate degree is NOT required to participate. Anyone who is employed by a Delaware library, archives, or school media center or who resides in Delaware and attends a library school that is accredited by the American Library Association is eligible.

You can apply as a team, but you can also apply as an individual (use the Project Team Application), and we’ll help match you with a team. We’ll also help with ideas for projects.

Please see the ILEAD LibGuide for more information, including YouTube videos of team projects from other states, examples of participatory technology, etc.

More Information In the Applications


Please email if you have any questions. We’ll be happy to help and hope we have piqued your interest!

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